Illinois Compiled Statutes, 110 ILCS 70 (from Ch. 24 ½)
House Bill 831 was passed by the 67th General Assembly and became law on January 1, 1952.
Amendments were made necessary by adoption of the State Personnel Code, which was passed in 1955, and became effective July 1, 1957.
The State Universities Civil Service System now covers all staff employees of:
Chicago State University
Eastern Illinois University
Governors State University
Illinois State University
Northeastern Illinois University
Northern Illinois University
Western Illinois University
Southern Illinois University
University of Illinois
Illinois Board of Higher Education
Illinois Community College Board
Illinois Student Assistance Commission
State Universities Retirement System
State Universities Civil Service System
0.01 Short title. This Act may be cited as the State Universities Civil Service Act.
70/1 to 70/36a. Repealed.
70/36b. Creation
70/36c. The Merit Board
70/36d. Powers and duties of the Merit Board.
70/36e. Coverage.
70/36f. Examinations.
70/36g. Veterans preference; credit for service in armed forces.
70/36g-1. Active military service.
70/36h. Appointment.
70/36i. Seniority.
70/36j. Promotions.
70/36k. Regional compensation and registers.
70/36l. Transfers.
70/36m. Temporary appointments.
70/36n. Provisional appointments.
70/36o. Demotion and discharge.
70/36p. Nondiscrimination.
70/36q. Effect on past employees.
70/36r. Repealed.
70/36s. Supported employees
70/37 Fraud; examination.
70/38 Receiving or soliciting political contributions prohibited.
70/39 Soliciting political contributions from officers or employees prohibited
70/40 Soliciting or receiving political contributions in public offices prohibited
70/41 Use of political influence to obtain contributions prohibited.
70/42 Payment for appointment prohibited.
70/43 Recommendation for political service prohibited.
70/44 Corrupt use of political influence prohibited.
70/45 Compelling testimony and production of books and papers; witness fees; perjury.
70/45a. Holidays; compensation.
70/46 Violation of act; prosecuting officer.
(110 ILCS 70/0.01) (from Ch. 24 ½, par 38b.01)
Sec. 0.01. Short title. This Act may be cited as the State Universities Civil Service Act.
(Source: P.A. 86-1324.)
(110 ILCS 70/36b) (from Ch. 24 ½, par 38b1)
Sec. 36b. Creation.
(1) A classified civil service system to be known as the State Universities Civil Service System is hereby created, and is hereinafter referred to as the University System.
(2) The purpose of the University System is to establish a sound program of personnel administration for the Illinois Community College Board, Southern Illinois University, Chicago State University, Eastern Illinois University, Governors State University, Illinois State University, Northeastern Illinois University, Northern Illinois University, Western Illinois University, the University of Illinois, the State Universities Civil Service System, the State Universities Retirement System, the State Scholarship Commission, and the Board of Higher Education. All certificates, appointments and promotions to positions in these agencies and institutions shall be made solely on the basis of merit and fitness, to be ascertained by examination, except as specified in Section 36e.
(3) The University System hereby created shall be a separate entity of the State of Illinois and shall be under the control of a Board to be known as the University Civil Service Merit Board, and is hereinafter referred to as the Merit Board.
(Source: P.A. 100-615, eff. 1-1-19.)
(110 ILCS 70/36c) (from Ch. 24 ½, par 38b2)
Sec. 36c. The Merit Board.
The Merit Board shall be composed of 11 members, 3 of whom shall be members of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, one of whom shall be a member of the Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University, one of whom shall be a member of the Board of Trustees of Chicago State University, one of whom shall be a member of the Board of Trustees of Eastern Illinois University, one of whom shall be a member of the Board of Trustees of Governors State University, one of whom shall be a member of the Board of Trustees of Illinois State University, one of whom shall be a member of the Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University, one of whom shall be a member of the Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois University, and one of whom shall be a member of the Board of Trustees of Western Illinois University. The members of the Merit Board shall be elected by the respective Boards in which they hold membership and they shall serve at the pleasure of the electing Boards.
All members of the Merit Board shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for any traveling expenses incurred in attending meetings of the Merit Board.
The Merit Board shall determine the number necessary for a quorum, elect its own chairperson and set up an Executive Committee of its own members which shall have all of the powers of the Merit Board except as limited by the Merit Board.
The Merit Board shall cause to be elected a committee of not less than eleven members to be made up of Civil Service Employees, six of whom shall be nominated by and from the Civil Service Employees of the University of Illinois and one of whom shall be nominated by and from the Civil Service Employees of each of the other institutions specified in Section 36e, who will function in an advisory capacity to the Merit Board on all matters pertaining to the University System. This Advisory Committee shall meet at least quarterly and members of the Committee shall be reimbursed by their respective employers for time lost from work and for expenses incurred in attending meetings of the Committee.
(Source: P.A. 100-615, eff. 1-1-19.)
(110 ILCS 70/36d) (from Ch. 24 ½, par 38b22:09 PM 9/10/2021)
Sec. 36d. Powers and Duties of the Merit Board. The Merit Board shall have the power and duty:
(1) To approve a classification plan prepared under its direction, assigning to each class positions of substantially similar duties. The Merit Board shall have power to delegate to its Executive Director the duty of assigning each position in the classified service to the appropriate class in the classification plan approved by the Merit Board.
(2) To prescribe the duties of each class of positions and the qualifications required by employment in that class.
(3) To prescribe the range of compensation for each class or to fix a single rate of compensation for employees in a particular class; and to establish other conditions of employment which an employer and employee representatives have agreed upon as fair and equitable. The Merit Board shall direct the payment of the "prevailing rate of wages" in those classifications in which, on January 1, 1952, any employer is paying such prevailing rate and in such other classes as the Merit Board may thereafter determine. "Prevailing rate of wages" as used herein shall be the wages paid generally in the locality in which the work is being performed to employees engaged in work of a similar character. Each employer covered by the University System shall be authorized to negotiate with representatives of employees to determine appropriate ranges or rates of compensation or other conditions of employment and may recommend to the Merit Board for establishment the rates or ranges or other conditions of employment which the employer and employee representatives have agreed upon as fair and equitable. Any rates or ranges established prior to January 1, 1952, and hereafter, shall not be changed except in accordance with the procedures herein provided.
(4) To establish minimum requirements to the institutions and agencies specified in Section 36e standards for hours of work, holidays, sick leave, overtime compensation and vacation for the purpose of improving conditions of employment covered therein and for the purpose of insuring conformity with the prevailing rate principle.
(5) To prescribe standards of examination for each class, the examinations to be related to the duties of such class. The Merit Board shall have power to delegate to the Executive Director and his or her staff the preparation, conduct and grading of examinations.
(6) To authorize the continuous recruitment of personnel and to that end, to delegate to the Executive Director and his or her staff the power and the duty to conduct open and continuous competitive examinations for all classifications of employment.
(7) To cause to be established, from the results of examinations, registers for each class of positions in the classified service of the University System of the persons who shall attain the minimum mark fixed by the Merit Board for the examination; and such persons shall take rank upon the registers as candidates in the order of the relative excellence as determined by examination, without reference to priority of time of examination.
(8) To provide by its rules for promotions in the classified service.
(8.5) To issue subpoenas to secure the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of books and papers in the course of any investigation or hearing conducted pursuant to the Act.
(9) (Blank).
(10) To provide by its rules for employment at regular rates of compensation of physically disabilities in positions in which the disability does not prevent the individual from furnishing satisfactory service.
(11) To make and publish rules to carry out the purpose of the University System and for examination, appointments, transfers and removals and for maintaining and keeping records of the efficiency of officers and employees and groups of officers and employees in accordance with the provisions of Sections 36b to 36q, inclusive, and said Merit Board may from time to time make changes in such rules.
(12) To appoint an Executive Director who shall appoint staff to help as may be necessary efficiently to administer Sections 36b to 36q, inclusive. To authorize the Executive Director to accept the appointment of each Designated Employer Representative appointed by the institutions and agencies specified in Section 36e. A Designated Employer Representative may be authorized to give examinations and to certify names from the regional registers provided in Section 36k. The enumeration of specific duties and powers that the Merit Board may delegate to the Executive Director in this Section does not preclude the Merit Board from delegating other duties and powers to the Executive Director.
(13) To submit to the Governor of this State on or before November 1 of each year prior to the regular session of the General Assembly a report of the University System's business and an estimate of the amount of appropriation from state funds required for the purpose of administering the University System.
(14) To authorize the creation and use of pilot programs to further the goals of the Act, which may be inconsistent with any rules adopted by the Merit Board, provided that such programs are of limited duration and do not reduce any rights or benefits of employees subject to this Act.
(Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15; 100-615, eff. 1-1-19.; 102-1075, eff. 6-10-22.)
(110 ILCS 70/36e) (from Ch. 24 ½, par 38b4)
Sec. 36e. Coverage. All employees of the Illinois Community College Board, Southern Illinois University, Chicago State University, Eastern Illinois University, Governors State University, Illinois State University, Northeastern Illinois University, Northern Illinois University, Western Illinois University, the University of Illinois, the University System, the State Universities Retirement System, the Illinois Student Assistance Commission, and the Board of Higher Education, shall be covered by the University System described in Sections 36b to 36q, inclusive, of this Act, except the following persons:
(1) The members and officers of the Merit Board and the board of trustees, and the commissioners of the institutions and agencies covered hereunder;
(2) The presidents and vice-presidents of each educational institution and the executive director, directors, deputy directors, managing directors, chiefs, and attorneys of each higher education agency;
(3) Other principal administrative employees of each institution and agency as determined by the Merit Board;
(4) The teaching, research and extension faculties of each institution and agency;
(5) Students employed under rules prescribed by the Merit Board, without examination or certification.
(Source: P.A. 100-615, eff. 1-1-19; P.A. 103-0940, eff. 8-9-24.)
(110 ILCS 70/36f) (from Ch. 24 ½, par 38b5)
Sec. 36f. Examinations.
(a) All examinations given under the University System shall be open to all applicants who are citizens of or residents in the State of Illinois and who can qualify by training and experience for the position for which application is made. In examinations for technical positions for which no qualified residents of this State are available the residence requirement may be waived. In examinations for law enforcement personnel, the residence requirement shall be waived.
(b) Examinations may be written; oral, by statement of training and experience; in the form of tests of knowledge, skill, capacity, intellect, or aptitude; or by any other method which, in the judgment of the Merit Board, is reasonable and practical for any particular classification. The examinations shall be practical and shall relate to the classification for which the examination is given. No question in any examination shall relate to political or religious affiliation or racial origins of the examinee.
(c) Different examining procedures may be determined for the examinations in different classifications, but all examinations in the same classification must be uniform. The examination requirement for the initial appointment, entry level position only, of law enforcement personnel may be waived if an applicant has satisfied all the requirements established by the Illinois Police Training Act for appointment of law enforcement officers and if the Merit Board allows for such a waiver by rule. Additional positions, entry level only, may have the examination requirement waived if the occupational standards are regulated by the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, as designated by the Merit Board and provided for in adopted rules.
(Source: P.A. 100-615, eff. 1-1-19, eff. 1-1-24.)
(110 ILCS 70/36g) (from Ch. 24 ½, par 38b6)
Sec. 36g. Appropriate preference in entrance examinations to qualified persons who have been members of the armed forces of the United States or to qualified persons who, while citizens of the United States, were members of the armed forces of allies of the United States in time of hostilities with a foreign country, and to certain other persons as set forth in this Section.
(a) As used in this Section:
(1) "Time of hostilities with a foreign country" means any period of time in the past, present, or future during which a declaration of war by the United States Congress has been or is in effect or during which an emergency condition has been or is in effect that is recognized by the issuance of a Presidential proclamation or a Presidential executive order and in which the armed forces expeditionary medal or other campaign service medals are awarded according to Presidential executive order.
(2) "Armed forces of the United States" means the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard. Service in the Merchant Marine that constitutes active duty under Section 401 of federal Public Law 95-2021shall also be considered service in the Armed Forces of the United States for purposes of this Section.
(b) The preference granted under this Section shall be in the form of points added to the final grades of the persons if they otherwise qualify and are entitled to appear on the list of those eligible for appointments.
(c) A veteran is qualified for a preference of 10 points if the veteran currently holds proof of a service connected disability from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs or an allied country or if the veteran is a recipient of the Purple Heart.
(d) A veteran who has served during a time of hostilities with a foreign country is qualified for a preference of 5 points if the veteran served under one or more of the following conditions:
(1) The veteran served a total of at least 6 months, or
(2) The veteran served for the duration of hostilities regardless of the length of engagement, or
(3) The veteran was discharged on the basis of hardship, or
(4) The veteran was released from active duty because of a service connected disability and was discharged under honorable conditions.
(e) A person not eligible for a preference under subsection (c) or (d) is qualified for a preference of 3 points if the person has served in the armed forces of the United States, the Illinois National Guard, or any reserve component of the armed forces of the United States and the person: (1) served for at least 6 months and has been discharged under honorable conditions or (2) has been discharged on the ground of hardship or (3) was released from active duty because of a service connected disability. An active member of the National Guard or a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States is eligible for the preference if the member meets the service requirements of this subsection (e).
(f) The rank order of persons entitled to a preference on eligible lists shall be determined on the basis of their augmented ratings. When the Executive Director establishes eligible lists on the basis of category ratings such as "superior", "excellent", "well-qualified", and "qualified", the veteran eligible in each such category shall be preferred for appointment before the non-veteran eligible in the same category.
(g) Employees in positions covered by this Act who, while in good standing, leave to engage in military service during a period of hostility shall be given credit for seniority purposes for time served in the armed forces.
(h) A surviving unremarried spouse of a veteran who suffered a service connected death or the spouse of a veteran who suffered a service connected disability that prevents the veteran from qualifying for civil service employment shall be entitled to the same preference to which the veteran would have been entitled under this Section.
(i) A preference shall also be given to the following individuals: 10 points for one parent of an unmarried veteran who suffered a service connected death or a service connected disability that prevents the veteran from qualifying for civil service employment. The first parent to receive a civil service appointment shall be the parent entitled to the preference.
(Source: P.A. 100-615, eff. 1-1-19.)
(110 ILCS 70/36g-1) (from Ch. 24 ½, par 38b6.1)
Sec. 36g-1. Active military service. Any employee of any institution or agency subject to this Act who is a member of any reserve component of the United States Armed Services, including the Illinois National Guard, and who is mobilized to active military duty as a result of an order of the President of the United States, shall, for each pay period beginning on or after the date of that mobilization, continue to receive the same regular compensation that he or she receives or was receiving as an employee of that educational institution or agency at the time he or she is or was so mobilized to active military duty, plus any health insurance and other benefits he or she is or was receiving or accruing at that time, minus the amount of his or her base pay for military service, and shall be given credit for seniority purposes for the duration of his or her active military service.
In the event any provision of a collective bargaining agreement or any policy of the educational institution covering any employee so ordered to active duty is more generous than the provisions contained in this Section, that collective bargaining agreement or policy shall be controlling.
(Source: P.A. 100-615, eff. 1-1-19.)
(110 ILCS 70/36h) (from Ch. 24 ½, par 38b7)
Sec. 36h. Appointment.
(1) Whenever an employer covered by the University System has a position which needs to be filled, this employer shall certify the names and addresses of the persons with the 3 highest scores on the register for the classification to which the position is assigned. The employer shall select one of these persons certified for the position. If less than 3 scores appear on the appropriate register, the employer shall certify the names and addresses of all persons on the register.
(2) All appointments shall be for a probationary period of no less than 6 months and no longer than 12 months for each class of positions in the classification plan, the length of the probationary period for each class having been determined by the Executive Director, except that persons first appointed to any police department of any university or college subject to this Act shall be on probation for one year. The service during the probationary period shall be deemed to be a part of the examination. During the probationary period, the employee may be dismissed if the employer determines that the employee has failed to demonstrate the ability and the qualifications necessary to furnish satisfactory service. The employer shall maintain all records of dismissal. If an employee is not so dismissed during his or her probationary period, his or her appointment shall be deemed complete at the end of the period.
(3) No person shall be appointed to any police department of any university or college covered by the University System unless he or she possesses a high school diploma or an equivalent high school education and unless he or she is a person of good character and is not a person who has been convicted of a felony or a crime involving moral turpitude.
(Source: P.A. 99-72, eff. 1-1-16; 100-615, eff. 1-1-19; 102-1075, eff. 6-10-22.)
(110 ILCS 70/36i) (from Ch. 24 ½, par 38b8)
Sec. 36i. Seniority. After the completion of the probationary period, the employee's seniority shall date from the day of original employment. Employee's seniority shall be by institution or campus at which he is employed, unless a lesser unit shall be determined by the Merit Board in an agreement with the employees involved. Whenever it is necessary to reduce the number of employees those with the least seniority shall first be laid off, and their names placed on a reemployment register which shall take precedence over any other register. Reemployment shall be made in the order required to preserve the seniority rights.
(Source: Laws 1951, p. 1289.)
(110 ILCS 70/36j) (from Ch. 24 ½, par 38b9)
Sec. 36j. Promotions.
(a) The Merit Board shall by rules provide for promotions on the basis of ability and experience and seniority in service and examination and to provide in all cases where it is practicable that vacancies will be filled by promotion. For the purpose of this Section, an advancement in class shall constitute a promotion.
(b) The Merit Board shall by rule fix lines of promotion from such several offices and places to superior offices or places in all cases where, in the judgment of the Merit Board, the duties of such several positions directly tend to fit the incumbent for a superior position.
(c) Whenever a superior position in the promotional line in the classified civil service under the University System is to be filled, the Executive Director shall certify to the employer, in the order of their seniority, the names and addresses of the persons with the 3 highest scores on the promotional register for the class or grade to which said position belongs. The employer shall appoint one of those persons whose names were certified by the Executive Director.
(d) Appointments to superior positions in the promotional line shall be on probation for a period of no less than 6 months and no longer than 12 months for each class of positions in the classification plan, the length of the probationary period having been determined by the Executive Director. Persons so appointed may be demoted at any time during the period of probation if, in the opinion of the employer, they have failed to demonstrate the ability and the qualifications necessary to furnish satisfactory service, but shall not be discharged from the superior position if they have previously completed a probationary period in an inferior position in the promotional line.
(e) Employees promoted in the promotional line shall have their seniority for the highest position held on the basis of length of service in that classification. For the next lower classification, the employee may add his or her seniority in the higher classification to that in the lower to determine seniority in the lower classification.
(f) Whenever a person is promoted to a superior position in the promotional line prior to the completion of the probationary period in any one of the positions in the classified civil service under the University System, total service in the inferior position and in all such superior positions shall be combined to establish certified status and seniority in the inferior position.
(Source: P.A. 99-72, eff. 1-1-16; 100-615, eff. 1-1-19.)
(110 ILCS 70/36k) (from Ch. 24 ½, par 38b10)
Sec. 36k. Regional compensation and registers.
(1) The Merit Board shall have power to prescribe different ranges or rates of compensation for different places of employment within the State. In approving regional scales of compensation the Merit Board shall take into account the rate of compensation generally paid for similar work in the locality in which the work is to be performed.
(2) The Merit Board shall authorize separate registers for each of the agencies, institutions and places of employment covered by the University System, and an applicant who has received a passing grade on any examination may request that his name be placed on the register for any institution or place of employment in the appropriate classification or on all of the registers in that classification.
(110 ILCS 70/36l) (from Ch. 24 ½, par 38b11)
Sec. 70/36l. Transfers.
Any employee who has successfully passed an original entrance or promotional examination and who has completed his probationary period shall, at his request, be eligible for transfer to any other agency, institution or place of employment in the classification in which he is certified without further examination and without completing another probationary period. Any such transferee shall acquire seniority in the agency, institution or place of employment to which he has transferred only from the date of employment by that employer, but such transferred employee may, on request, preserve his seniority rights in the position from which the transfer was made for the period of one year from the date of transfer.
(Source: Laws 1951, p. 1289.)
(110 ILCS 70/36m) (from Ch. 24 ½, par 38b12)
Sec. 36m. Temporary appointments.
For positions which are temporary or of an emergency nature, the Merit Board may authorize temporary appointments for not more than three months, to be made from names on an eligible register when such register exists.
(Source: Laws 1951, p. 1289.)
(110 ILCS 70/36n) (from Ch. 24 ½, par 38b13)
Sec. 36n. Provisional appointments.
Where there are no names on the eligible register and it is impractical to give an immediate examination, applicants may be employed provisionally but such employment shall continue only until the person provisionally employed successfully passes an examination or until a name or names are placed upon the appropriate eligible register. Before any examination is given in this classification, the person provisionally employed shall have notice of the examination and shall have an opportunity to take the examination.
(Source: Laws 1951, p. 1289.)
(110 ILCS 70/36o) (from Ch. 24 ½, par 38b14)
Sec. 36o. Demotion, removal, and discharge.
(a) After the completion of his or her probationary period, no employee shall be demoted, removed or discharged except for just cause, upon written charges, and after an opportunity to be heard in his or her own defense if he or she makes a written request for a hearing to the Merit Board within 15 days after the serving of the written charges upon him or her.
(b) Upon the filing of such a request for a hearing, the Merit Board shall grant such hearing by a hearing board or hearing officer appointed by the Merit Board to commence within 45 days from the date of the service of the demotion, removal, or discharge notice, which may be continued from time to time. The hearing board or hearing officer shall make and render findings of fact on the charges and transmit to the Merit Board a transcript of the evidence along with the hearing board's or hearing officer's findings of fact. The findings of the hearing board when approved by the Merit Board shall be certified to the parties.
(c) If cause for demotion, removal, or discharge is found, the employee shall be immediately demoted, removed, or discharged from the service. If cause is not found, the employee shall forthwith be reassigned to perform the duties of a position in his or her classification without loss of compensation.
(d) In the course of the hearing, the Executive Director of the Merit Board shall have power to administer oaths and to secure by subpoena the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of books and papers relevant to the inquiry.
(e) The provisions of the Administrative Review Law and all amendments and modification thereof2, and the rules adopted pursuant thereto, shall apply to and govern all proceedings for the judicial review of final administrative decisions of the Merit Board hereby created. The term "administrative decision" is defined as in Section 3-101 of the Code of Civil Procedure.3
(Source: P.A. 100-615, eff. 1-1-19.)
(110 ILCS 70/36p) (from Ch. 24 ½, par 38b15)
Sec. 36p. Nondiscrimination. In the administration of the University System, no applicant shall be denied employment by the Merit Board or by any employer subject to this Act because of race, color, sex, national origin, religious or political affiliations, ancestry, age, marital status, order of protection status, disability, military status, sexual orientation, pregnancy, or unfavorable military discharge, as defined in the Illinois Human Rights Act, except that any applicant for employment may be required as a condition of employment, to sign a valid oath attesting his loyalty to the state and the United States.
(Source: P.A. 100-615, eff. 1-1-19.)
(110 ILCS 70/36q) (from Ch. 24 ½, par 38b16)
Sec. 36q. Effect on past Employees
On January 1, 1952, and on such date thereafter as an employee becomes subject to the terms of this Act, every person who is employed by any employer covered by the University System, or whose name appears on a reemployment register of any employer covered by the University System, and who has completed his probationary period shall be certified in the University System in the classification in which he is employed and in which he has completed his probationary period, without examination, and shall be entitled to seniority in the University System from the date of original employment in the classification by the employer. Any person who has not completed his probationary period in the classification in which he is employed on January 1, 1952, or on such date thereafter as an employer becomes subject to the terms of this Act, shall be required to meet the certifying requirements of the University System before being certified.
Any employee of the State of Illinois who has previously been certified under the regular classified State Civil Service or under the Personnel Code, approved July 18, 1955,4 as amended, and who, because of the transfer of his or her duties, has been transferred to the employment of any institution now covered by the University System, or any such employee who hereafter may be so transferred, shall have the same seniority rights under the University System as he or she held under the regular classified State Civil Service or under the Personnel Code, approved July 18, 1955, as amended, as determined by his or her original date of certification therein.
Any employee of the State of Illinois who has previously been certified under the regular classified State Civil Service or under the Personnel Code, approved July 18, 1955, as amended, and who is transferred to a comparable position of employment subject to the provisions of the Statute governing the University System shall have the same status in the University System as he held under the Personnel Code.
(Source: Laws 1967, p. 3769.)
(110 ILCS 70/36r) (from Ch. 24 ½, par 38b17)
Sec. 36r
(Source: Repealed by Laws 1955, p. 2165 § 2, eff. July 1, 1957)
(110 ILCS 70/36s) (from Ch. 24 ½, par 38b18)
Sec. 36s. Supported employees.
(a) The Merit Board shall develop and implement a supported employment program.
(b) The Merit Board shall designate a liaison to work with State agencies and departments, any funder or provider or both, and State universities in the implementation of a supported employment program.
(c) As used in this Section:
(1) "Supported employee" means any individual who:
(A) has a severe physical or mental disability which seriously limits functional capacities, including but not limited to, mobility, communication, self-care, self-direction, work tolerance or work skills, in terms of employability as defined, determined and certified by the Department of Human Services; and
(B) has one or more physical or mental disabilities resulting from amputation; arthritis; blindness; cancer; cerebral palsy; cystic fibrosis; deafness; heart disease; hemiplegia; respiratory or pulmonary dysfunction; an intellectual disability; mental illness; multiple sclerosis; muscular dystrophy; musculoskeletal disorders; neurological disorders, including stroke and epilepsy; paraplegia; quadriplegia and other spinal cord conditions; sickle cell anemia; and end-stage renal disease; or another disability or combination of disabilities determined on the basis of an evaluation of rehabilitation potential to cause comparable substantial functional limitation.
(2) "Supported employment" means competitive work in integrated work settings:
(A) for individuals with severe disabilities for whom competitive employment has not traditionally occurred, or
(B) for individuals for whom competitive employment has been interrupted or intermittent as a result of a severe disability, and who because of their disability, need on-going support services to perform such work. The term includes transitional employment for individuals with chronic mental illness.
(3) "Participation in a supported employee program" means participation as a supported employee that is not based on the expectation that an individual will have the skills to perform all the duties in a job class, but on the assumption that with support and adaptation, or both, a job can be designed to take advantage of the supported employee's special strengths.
(4) "Funder" means any entity either State, local or federal, or private not-for-profit or for-profit that provides monies to programs that provide services related to supported employment.
(5) "Provider" means any entity either public or private that provides technical support and services to any department or agency subject to the control of the Governor, the Secretary of State or the University System.
(d) The Merit Board shall establish job classifications for supported employees who may be appointed into the classifications without open competitive testing requirements. Supported employees shall serve in a trial employment capacity for not less than 3 or more than 12 months.
(e) The Merit Board shall maintain a record of all individuals hired as supported employees. The record shall include:
(1) the number of supported employees initially appointed;
(2) the number of supported employees who successfully complete the trial employment periods; and
(3) the number of permanent targeted positions by titles.
(f) The Merit Board shall submit an annual report to the General Assembly regarding the employment progress of supported employees, with recommendations for legislative action.
(Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15; 100-615, eff. 1-1-19.)
(110 ILCS 70/37) (from Ch. 24 ½, par 38d)
Sec. 37. No person or officer shall willfully or corruptly, by himself, or in co-operation with one or more persons, defeat, deceive or obstruct any person in respect to his or her right of examination hereunder; or corruptly or falsely mark, grade, estimate or report upon the examination or proper standing of any person examined hereunder or aid in so doing; or wilfully or corruptly make any false representation concerning the same or concerning the person examined; or wilfully or corruptly furnish to any person any special or secret information for the purpose of either improving or injuring the prospects or chances of any person so examined, or to be examined, being appointed, employed or promoted. And no applicant for any examination shall wilfully or corruptly by himself, or in co-operation with one or more persons, deceive the said commission with reference to his identity, or wilfully or corruptly make any false representations in his application for any examination, or commit any fraud for the purpose of improving his prospects or chances in such examination.
(Source: Laws 1955, p. 2165.)
(110 ILCS 70/38) (from Ch. 24 ½, par 38e)
Sec. 38. No officer or employee shall solicit, orally or by letter, or receive, or be in any manner concerned in soliciting or receiving any assessment, subscription or contribution from any officer or employee subject to the provisions of this Act for any party or political purpose whatever.
(Source: Laws 1955, p. 2165.)
(110 ILCS 70/39) (from Ch. 24 ½, par 38f)
Sec. 39. No person shall solicit, orally or by letter, or be in any manner concerned in soliciting any assessment, contribution or payment, for any party or any political purpose whatever from any officer or employee subject to the provisions of this Act.
(Source: Laws 1955, p. 2165.)
(110 ILCS 70/40) (from Ch. 24 ½, par 38g)
Sec. 40. No person shall, in any room or building occupied for the discharge of official duties by any officer or employee subject to this act solicit orally or by written communication, delivered therein, or in any other manner, or receive any contribution of money or other thing of value, for any party or political purpose whatever, from any officer or employee subject to this act.
No officer, agent, clerk, or employee under the government of this State, who may have charge or control of any building, office or room, occupied for any purpose of said government, shall permit any person to enter the same for the purpose of therein soliciting or delivering written solicitations for, or receiving from, or giving notice to, any officer or employee subject to this act.
(Source: Laws 1955, p. 2165.)
(110 ILCS 70/41) (from Ch. 24 ½, par 38h)
Sec. 41. No officer or employee of the State shall discharge or degrade or promote or in any manner change the official rank or compensation of any officer or employee subject to this Act or promise or threaten to do so, for giving or withholding or neglecting to make any contribution of money, or other valuable thing, for any party or political purpose, or for refusal or neglect to render any party or political service.
(Source: Laws 1955, p. 2165.)
(110 ILCS 70/42) (from Ch. 24 ½, par 38i)
Sec. 42. No applicant for appointment pursuant to the provisions of this Act, either directly or indirectly, shall pay or promise to pay, any money or other valuable thing to any person whatever, for or on account of his appointment or proposed appointment, and no officer or employee subject to this Act shall pay or promise to pay, either directly or indirectly, any person any money or other valuable thing whatever, for or on account of his promotion or proposed promotion.
(Source: Laws 1955, p. 2165.)
(110 ILCS 70/43) (from Ch. 24 ½, par 38j)
Sec. 43. No applicants for appointment or promotion pursuant to the provisions of this Act shall ask for or receive a recommendation or assistance from any officer or employee in said service, or from any person, upon the consideration of any political service to be rendered to or for such person, or for the promotion of such person, to any office or appointment.
(Source: Laws 1955, p. 2165.)
(110 ILCS 70/44) (from Ch. 24 ½, par 38k)
Sec. 44. No person, while holding an office or position pursuant to the provisions of this Act or in nomination for, or while seeking a nomination for or appointment to any such office or position shall corruptly use or promise to use, either directly or indirectly, any official authority or influence (whether then possessed or merely anticipated) in the way of conferring upon any person, or in order to secure or aid any person in securing any office or public employment under this Act or any nomination, confirmation, promotion or increase of salary, upon the consideration or condition that the vote or political influence or action of the last named person or any other, shall be given or used in behalf of any candidate, officer or party, or upon any other corrupt condition or consideration.
(Source: Laws 1955, p. 2165.)
(110 ILCS 70/45) (from Ch. 24 ½, par 38l)
Sec. 45.Any person who shall be served with a subpoena to appear and testify, or to produce books and papers, issued by the Merit Board, or by any member thereof or by any board or person acting under the orders of the Merit Board in the course of an investigation, conducted under any of the provisions of this act, and who shall refuse or neglect to appear, or to testify, or to produce books and papers relevant to said investigation, as commanded in such subpoena, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, on conviction, be punished as provided in Section 46 of this act.
The fees of witnesses for attendance and travel shall be the same as the fees of witnesses before the circuit court of this State.
Any circuit court of this State, upon application of any member of the Merit Board, or any person acting under the orders of the Merit Board may, in his discretion, compel the attendance of witnesses, the production of books and papers, and giving of testimony before the Board or before any member of the Board, any investigating board or officer, by an attachment for contempt or otherwise, in the same manner as production of evidence may be compelled before the court. Every person who, having taken oath or made affirmation before a member of the board or an officer appointed by the board authorized to administer oaths, shall wilfully swear or affirm falsehood shall be guilty of perjury and upon conviction shall be punished accordingly.
(Source: P.A. 83-334.)
(110 ILCS 70/45a) (from Ch. 24 ½, par 38l.1)
Sec. 45a. Except as provided in the second sentence of this Section, all officers and employees subject to this Act, shall have the following days as holidays, for which they shall receive their usual compensation: New Year's Day, January 1, Memorial Day, as determined by the law of the State of Illinois, Juneteenth National Freedom Day, as determined by the law of the State of Illinois, Independence Day, July 4, Labor Day, the first Monday in September, Thanksgiving Day, the fourth Thursday of November, Christmas Day, December 25, and five holidays to be designated by each college, university, or agency subject to this Act. Craft and trade employees subject to this Act shall be paid for all paid holidays included in their area agreement, and will be paid for all five holidays designated by their employer pursuant to this Section.
Notwithstanding any other provision of State law to the contrary, November 3, 2020 shall be a State holiday known as 2020 General Election Day and shall be observed throughout the State pursuant to this amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly. All government offices, with the exception of election authorities, shall be closed unless authorized to be used as a location for election day services or as a polling place.
Notwithstanding any other provision of State law to the contrary, November 8, 2022 shall be a State holiday known as 2022 General Election Day and shall be observed throughout the State under this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly.
(Source: P.A. 101-642, eff. 6-16-20; 102-15, eff. 6-17-21; 102-1075, eff. 6-10-22.)
(110 ILCS 70/46) (from Ch. 24 ½, par 38m)
Sec. 46. Any person who shall wilfully, or through culpable negligence, violate any of the provisions of this act, or any board member, examiner, agent or employee of the board, or any applicant, who shall wilfully, or through culpable negligence, violate any rule promulgated in accordance with the provisions thereof, shall be guilty of a Class B misdemeanor.
All prosecution for violations of this act shall be instituted and conducted by the State's Attorney of the county where the offense occurred. In the case of conviction under the provisions of this act, the office or position held by the person convicted shall become vacant.
(Source: P.A. 77-2360.)
138 U.S.C.A § 106 note.
2735 ILCS 5/3-101 et seq.
3735 ILCS 5/3-101.
420 ILCS 415/1 et seq.
"Act" : the State Universities Civil Service Act [110 ILCS 70].
"Allocation" : assignment of a position to a class.
"Applicant" : a person requesting permission to take an examination.
"Candidate" : a person on a register, as qualified by examination, seniority, or service.
"Certification" : the act of certifying.
"Certified" : referred from a register, in accordance with the Act, as a candidate for consideration for employment.
"Certify" : to refer from a register, in accordance with the Act, the name of a candidate who shall be considered for employment.
"Class" : a group of positions that are so similar in duties, responsibilities, and job worth, and require such similar education and experience, that each position in the group has been given the same job title and is filled by the same tests of ability.
"Classification" : assignment of a position to a class.
"Designated Employer Representative (DER)": the person designated by the employer to act as its representative for the coordination of its acts and the exercise of its responsibilities in matters relating to the State Universities Civil Service Act and the Administrative Code.
"Demotion": is defined in Section 250.110(g)(1) (Note for clarification: If a status employee, on their own initiative, requests a reassignment or a transfer to another position in their class or applies for, and takes, an examination and thereafter permits their name to be certified to a position in a class other than the one in which they are currently employed, and, in either case, accepts an appointment that results in a reduction in pay or pay potential, the reduction shall not be considered a demotion.)
"Employee" : a person legally employed to perform the work of a position.
"Employer" : the governing Board of an institution or agency specified in Section 36e of the Act; and for purposes of administration pursuant to this Part, any institution or agency specified in Section 36e of the Act.
"Executive Director" : the Executive Director of the State Universities Civil Service System.
"Law Enforcement Personnel" : an individual who has statutory authority to search, seize, or make arrests.
"Lesser Unit" : a seniority unit within a class, within an institution or agency as specified in Section 36e of the Act, as determined by the Merit Board, provided two-thirds of the status employees within the class have agreed to the creation of the lesser unit.
"Merit Board" or "University Civil Service Merit Board" : the governing body of the University System as defined in Section 36c of the Act. The 11 members of the Merit Board represent the public universities of the State of Illinois and are appointed by their respective University governing boards. The powers and duties of the Merit Board are defined in Section 36d of the Act.
"Nonstatus Appointment" : appointment of a certified candidate to a position that has been classified and approved by the Executive Director as other than a status appointment.
"Notice of Convening of Hearing": notice sent by the University System to parties of record in matters of discharge or demotion informing the parties of the date, time, and place of the hearing.
"Place of Employment" : an institution or agency as specified in Section 36e of the Act, or a unit of the institution or agency, as determined by the Merit Board, the designation of which has been for the purposes of maintenance of registers, computation of seniority, establishment of pay rates or ranges, and effecting transfers by an employer.
"Position" : a group of duties and responsibilities, assigned or delegated by competent authority, requiring the full-time service of one person, or the part-time service of one or more persons.
"Reallocation" : reassignment of an existing position to a class that is a part of a different promotional line, or to a class that is not a part of any promotional line.
"Reassignment" : moving of an employee by an employer from one position to another in the same class within a place of employment, subject to limitations imposed by lesser units.
"Reclassification" : reassignment of an existing position within a promotional line.
"Register" : a list of one or more names of candidates, listed in accordance with the Act and this Part.
"Resignation" : an act by which an employee voluntarily separates themself from their employment.
"Rewrite Examination" : an examination for a class that is taken by an applicant subsequent to failing a previous examination for the same class, or that is taken by an applicant subsequent to passing a previous examination for the same class in an attempt to improve their examination score.
"Seniority" : after completion of the probationary period, a term used to describe time worked in a class or in classes within the same promotional line, computed in accordance with the provisions of the Act and this Part.
"Service" : a term used to describe time worked in a class under a status appointment by an employee who is serving, but who has not completed, a probationary period in that class.
"Status Appointment" : appointment of a certified candidate to a position that has been classified and approved by the Executive Director as a continuing position under the position control record plan of the University System.
"Status Employee" : an employee who has successfully completed a probationary period in a class.
"Status Position" : a position that has been classified and approved by the Executive Director under the position control record system.
"Termination": discontinuance of services of an employee having a nonstatus appointment; discontinuance of services of an employee in one place of employment who has transferred within the System to another place of employment; failure of a provisional employee to meet certification requirements; and/or death, retirement, or inability of an employee to return from a leave of absence in accordance with Section 250.110(c).
"Transfer" : moving of an employee from one position to another in the same class between constituent places of employment.
"Transfer List" : a list of applicants who have been employed as sworn police officers within the past 24 months for employers to use to hire in lieu of the original entry register.
"University System" : the State Universities Civil Service System.
(Source: Amended at 33 Ill. Reg. 11644, effective July 22, 2009)
(Source: Amended at 47 Ill. Reg. 6574, effective April 30, 2023)
(Source: Amended at 48 Ill. Reg. 2281, effective January 26, 2024)
(Source: Amended at 49 Ill. Reg. 2164, effective January 31, 2025)