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State Universities Civil Service System

Procedure Manuals

Title 3.2 Internal Review
Manual E. Exemption Procedures
Subsection 3. Accountability for Exemption Authorization
Status New 10/1/2018
  1. The Act specifically provides that the Merit Board has the authority to determine PAAs at each institution or agency. Section 250.30(a) of the Code (80 Ill. Adm. Code §250.30(a)) further defines the Merit Board’s responsibility in this regard, which states, in part, ". . . Exemptions under Section 36e of the Act shall be by position. When approved by the Merit Board, a position shall remain exempt until such exemption is terminated by the Merit Board. The Executive Director shall publish guidelines for the exemptions, as approved by the Merit Board. . . ."

    The procedures to exempt position(s) should generally adhere to the following steps outlined and described below:
    1. The employing department contacts the Human Resources (HR) Office for review of a job description.
    2. The HR Office may request additional information from the department if needed.
    3. Positions within a general job category may be classified as PAA or as a civil service position dependent on the scope/authority of the department.
    4. The HR Office reviews the duties in each job description, as well as the scope, accountability, minimum requirements, organizational structure, reporting relationships, and position title.
      1. Each position is initially determined to be designated as civil service, which includes a review of the general scope, duties, and function and/or minimum qualifications of an appropriate existing civil service classification.
      2. If the scope, duties, function and/or minimum qualifications do not substantially match an appropriate existing civil service classification, the job is reviewed for scope and function including what characteristics may qualify the position to be exempt from civil service.
      3. To be designated as exempt from civil service, the position must meet the criteria as described.
      4. In the event there is no appropriate civil service classification available and the duties of the proposed position do not justify exemption under the Act, the University System can determine if a revision to an existing civil service classification or creation of a new classification is required.
  2. Accountability for exemption authorization consists of the following components:
    1. Internal Business Review Process – an internal position review process that will ensure efficient management of the exemption authorization process.  This should include a detailed description of the internal oversight, training, review, and approval, and recordkeeping components of the employer's exemption process. The internal review process must indicate that exemption requests are reviewed and approved by the DER. 
    2. Training Process – training for those human resource professionals who are responsible for implementing the employer's exemption authorization process will be routinely provided by the University System.  This should include training for any administrators or employees who will prepare or approve exemption requests for employer approval.
    3. Position Assessment Process – a cyclic review program wherein all exempt position descriptions are reviewed by the employer for currency of job content and title no less often than once every three years. Job changes of exempted positions discovered as a result of this review should commence immediately; however, any conversion to an appropriate civil service classification should be completed in accordance with section 3.3 of the Exemption Procedures Manual.
    4. Data Report – a data report of exempted positions consisting of exemption category, position number, position title, position FTE, exemption approval date or appointment date, funding source, (appropriated or non-appropriated), and any prior civil service position title and date of civil service appointment. The data report need not duplicate other human resource reports that are submitted to the University System that may contain the same information. Employers are also required to submit a periodic headcount report to the University System along with a detailed data snapshot of exemptions as described above.

(Reference section 36e(3) of the Act (110 ILCS 70/36e(3))