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State Universities Civil Service System

Procedure Manuals

Title 5.3 Reclassifying or Reallocating Existing Positions and Establishing New Positions
Manual A. Classification Plan Management
Subsection 5. Position Control
Status Corrected 2/3/2003
  1. A request to reclassify or reallocate an existing position may originate at any time by an employee (or the employee’s representative), an employing unit, a DER, or the System Office.
  2. Upon receipt of a request to reclassify or reallocate a position, the DER or his/her designee shall:
    1. audit the position for proper classification, and
    2. notify the System Office of any classification change by affirming that the classification change is appropriate based on current evidence available. (See Section 5.5b, regarding Monthly Reports)
  3. In recommending the establishment of a new position, the DER shall notify the System Office of the new position, and shall affirm that the classification is correct. (See Section 5.5b, regarding Monthly Reports)
  4. The classification of all new positions and changes to existing positions remain subject to audit review by the System Office.
  5. Prior to assigning any positions to classes, DERs must have an approved pay rate or range on file for the class.

Reference Civil Service Rule 250.30