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State Universities Civil Service System

Procedure Manuals

Title 1.4 Implementation and Posting of Class Specifications and Examinations
Manual A. Classification Plan Management
Subsection 1. Classification Specification and Examination Maintenance
Status Issued 6/1/2009
  1. Implementation
    1. Employers will be notified of the any final action regarding the classification plan, both specification and examination changes, through a Final Status Notice (See Example 1.2c).
    2. The System Office shall electronically distribute new, revised, or reinstated specifications prior to the effective date of implementation.
    3. All examinations created or revised after October 2005 will be electronically administered via the E-Test system.

      The Final Status Notice will indicate specifically how the following procedures shall apply in the implementation of the new or revised specifications/examinations:

      Change-In-Title Policies
      In most instances, affected positions should be identified and collectively moved simultaneously to the appropriate new, revised or reinstated classifications.  Use of Change-In-Title Policies to facilitate this move will be provided as a part of the Final Status Notice.  For additional details related to the use of Change-In-Title Policies, see Section 3 of the Classification Procedures Manual.

      Voiding/Deleting Registers
      The employment registers for the new, revised or reinstated class titles should be voided or deleted, as directed on the Final Status Notice,at the close of business, one (1) day prior to the effective date.  All examination materials related to these class titles should be destroyed.  The new, revised or reinstated classification specifications and examination materials for the new, revised or reinstated class title will be available for use before or on the effective date specified on the Final Status Notice.

      Pay Rate/Ranges
      If necessary, employers should make adjustments to or establish new pay rates/ranges to accompany the changes outlined in the Final Status Notice.  In some instances, establishing a wide pay range will optimize the opportunity of each employer to properly reflect their individual compensation programs for these positions.

      Dependent upon on classification actions, seniority calculations should be reviewed.
  2. Posting

    Employer notification of a new, revised or reinstated class specification and examination, together with a copy of the class specification, shall be posted for ten calendar days prior to the filling of any positions in the new, revised or reinstated class title, at each place of employment where the class will be used.