Certification is the act of referring candidates from a register for consideration
for employment when a vacancy occurs and the date of certification is established
(closing of the registers). See Examples 1.5a, 1.5b, and 1.5c.
- Candidates on the Reemployment register, one at a time, shall be referred
first and offered employment on the basis of seniority.
- Once the Reemployment register has been processed, the Promotional register
shall be processed and then the Original Entry register.
- In the absence of a Reemployment register, an employing department shall
have the choice of the candidates possessing the top three available scores.
- When ties in scores exist, all available candidates with the tied score
shall be certified.
- When certifying multiple vacancies in the same class on the same day, the DER certifies from the register those names that possess the top three scores. If an employing department does not have at least three candidates from the top three scores, the candidates from the next highest score shall be certified. An employing department shall be able to always interview at least three candidates.
- A candidate certified to more than one position of more than one class would
be required to qualify for certification by being one of the candidates possessing one of the top three scores on the register for each of the classes involved at the time of referral.
- The employer shall conduct an interview with and consider all candidates
certified from the register prior to making a recommendation for selection.
Except that a single selecting official for the employer shall not be required
to interview more than once the same candidate, as currently certified from
the register, for a position of the same class.
- When there are no available candidates on a register, an applicant may be
employed provisionally, pending examination. The person provisionally employed
shall be given the opportunity to apply for the examination. Should a provisional
employee fail the examination, he/she may remain in the position to which assigned
providing no candidate becomes available for appointment.
- Referral dates shall be a matter of record and subject to review during the audit process. Referral action may be recorded
by use of a Certification of Appointment form.
- Short-term call-backs from Reemployment Registers. In the case of immediate needs for short-term recall (5 days or less) of laid-off
employees, inability to contact an individual results in a by-pass, and does
not count as one of the three offers of appointment. However, it does permit
the employer to pass up a name entitled to be recalled. That is, the employer
cannot be held up on call-backs because they cannot reach the individual called
within a time span which will meet operational needs.
An employee on layoff should always keep the employer informed if he/she cannot
be reached for any extended period of time. Call-backs which occur during this
period will not be counted against offers of status employment, but, of course,
will permit the name to be by-passed and can result in another employee passing
him/her in service or seniority.
Example 1.5c. provides several register examples when referring the top three scores.