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State Universities Civil Service System

Procedure Manuals

Title 5.17 Disability Accommodations for Civil Service Pre-Employment Examinations
Manual C. Examination Procedures
Subsection 5. Administering and Scoring Examinations
Status Issued 8/20/2014

It is the responsibility of the potential employer to evaluate and determine the necessity to provide accommodations to applicants for any civil service pre-employment examination.  As a rule, the procedures regarding reasonable accommodation in these situations are governed by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and corresponding employer policies and procedures established in this respect.

In the event that an applicant requests an accommodation for any pre-employment examination for any Civil Service Classification maintained by the University System Office, such request must be formally submitted to the potential employer at least three (3) business days prior to the date of the examination, as determined by the employer.  Each institution governed by the Rules of the State Universities Civil Service System has separate policies and procedures to determine ADA accommodations at its location.  As such, each institution shall apply those policies and procedures to validate and justify the necessity and capability to provide any accommodation requested for a Civil Service pre-employment examination at its location.

Upon reaching a determination that an accommodation request is justified and should be provided, the employer must submit a Request for Testing Accommodation form to the University System Office no less than three (3) business days prior to the scheduled examination date.  See Form 5.17a. Upon approval, the University System Office will provide specific instructions on how to proceed with the approved accommodation.  Please note that, through this approval process, the University System Office will not be reviewing specific information related to the verification of the applicant’s disability and employer policies in this respect, but will merely review the accommodation request with respect to the technical delivery of the examination components.