The Merit Board permits the Designated Employer Representative (DER) at each of the universities and agencies to make an initial determination as to whether a position qualifies as an exemption pursuant to Section 36e of the Act; however, this authority is granted and may be revoked, in whole or in part, at the sole discretion of the Merit Board. This permission does not limit the Executive Director of the University System's responsibility for ensuring compliance with statutory and procedural guidelines in this respect. Accountability for exemption authorization consists of various components, including, but not limited to, an internal review by the employer that includes various periodic reports submitted by each employer to the University System, an external review by the University System that includes an audit process, and Merit Board review and corrective or remedial action, if necessary.
The concept of accountability as captured in this procedure is not intended to add another layer of process or procedure requirements for employers. Each employer must be able to design its exemption process to fit its unique circumstances, in accordance with these guidelines.
Consequently, the role of the University System is one of oversight through audits and review of data through periodic reports submitted by each employer. Regardless of the delegation of exemption authority, the basic statutory foundation for all employees in the University System is that they are assumed civil service unless exempted by the Act.