Intern Programs may be utilized for any classification, except craft and trade classes for which the Apprentice program is applicable. Employers may seek approval of an Intern Program based on one of the following factors:
- Candidate(s) lacks one or more of the minimum qualifications for the class.
- Recruitment efforts have failed to attract qualified candidates. Intern Programs may be established whenever the examining instrument has not produced a representative cross-section of candidates from all sex, ethnic, racial, and cultural backgrounds, or when fully qualified applicants for the class cannot easily be recruited.
- Operating needs warrant ongoing training to supplement staffing recruitment efforts. Intern Programs may be established to handle circumstances where critical 24/7 positions have been difficult to fill, such as in the Police Officer Series, and Intern Programs would assist in ensuring proper staffing levels are maintained.
- There is a recognized need for specialized training appointments in technical or professional fields. Intern Programs may be established for specialized technical or professional positions, such as in the IT or health care positions, which are unique and may require special, extraordinary recruiting activities.
General Guidelines for Intern Programs
- In all instances, formal University System office approval is required before any employer can initiate an Intern Program. See Form 2.6a, Request to Establish Apprentice/Intern Program.
- Intern Programs will be considered for an individual position or group of positions within a classification. Intern Programs may therefore be developed in one of two ways, Group Programs or Individual Programs. Where recruiting efforts for a particular classification yields an applicant pool that overall lacks a particular qualification(s) or experience.
- Intern Programs must include the following elements:
- A predetermined and scheduled program of development, training or experience for the candidate(s) must be established and approved. This should include details regarding the program duration, program elements, standards of progress, and employee assessment components. Time limits for Training Programs will vary depending upon the time needed to complete the required training. When simple experience is the common requirement, the program time limit will amount to approximately the same duration of experience needed to meet the minimum qualification requirement. A lack of educational qualifications may be treated in much the same manner, except that high school graduation may be compensated for by use of the G.E.D. test. Deficits in college or university educational requirements may generally be made up by month-for-month work experience or, if feasible, by attendance at a college or university, while employed as an Intern.
- A compensation program must be assigned and approved. Employees in an Intern Program may receive no more than 95% of the minimum of the approved pay range for the class. The maximum salary for employees in an Intern Program, after increases have been awarded, shall not exceed 95% of the midrange of the approved pay range of the classification. Intern Programs shall specify the method of payment. For example, a detailed salary plan may be developed which provides for progressively increasing wages payable upon completion of various phases of the training or, the salary plan may simply provide that employees in Intern Programs shall receive a certain percentage of the minimum of the range or rate of the class. In the latter instance, all employees in the same Intern Program shall be paid at the same rate. Multiple rates may be paid to Interns in the same program only when the compensation program so provides.
- A pre-employment selection process shall be described. Pre-employment selections shall identify an individual’s overall potential to perform the duties and assume the responsibilities of the class of work after adequate training.
Application Guidelines for Submitting Intern Program Requests
All required information, as listed below, must be submitted in order for the Intern Appointment request to be considered. Form 2.6a, Request to establish Apprentice/Intern Program, should be utilized to submit these requests. All of the required Intern Program elements are contained in this form and include:
- Program Duration: Programs shall be designed to provide the necessary amount of training in the shortest period of time. The duration of Intern Programs may be based upon the time required to fulfill the minimum acceptable qualifications for the class.
- Pre-employment Selection: The bases by which the employees are selected to participate in the Intern Program shall be described.
- Program Elements: Training shall include those elements which will permit the employee, upon the completion of the program, to perform at a level of competence comparable to that of any candidate originally employed in the classification.
- Standards of Progress/Assessment: Standards shall be developed to measure the employee’s progress at defined stages of the program to determine continuance in and completion of the program. Such evaluations shall be objective, shall be discussed with the employee at the time of each evaluation, and shall directly relate to the elements covered during that phase of the training.
- Termination Provisions: Section 250 of the Illinois Administrative Code (80 Ill. Adm. Code §250) does not require the termination of employees in Intern Programs prior to the layoff of status employees. If desired, such provisions shall be incorporated in the program.
- Compensation Plan: A detailed salary plan for employees selected to participate in Intern Programs must be provided.
Intern Program Revisions
Intern Programs are to be reviewed whenever class specifications are revised or within 5 years of the original approved/effective date of the Intern Program. A new Form 2.6a, Request to establish Apprentice/Intern Program, , must be submitted and approved for this purpose. All approved Intern Programs on file with the University System office will periodically be reviewed for compliance with the above guidelines.