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State Universities Civil Service System

Procedure Manuals

Title 4.10 Establishment of New Positions and Transfer of Employees to System Employer Due to Administrative Acquisition of an External Operational Unit
Manual B. Employment and Separation Procedures
Subsection 4. Other Employment Transactions
Status Renumbered 6/1/2009
  1. In the event a System employer agrees to assume administrative control of an operational unit from a private or other public sector employer, consisting of positions matching the civil service classification structure, such positions in the unit to be acquired will be officially assigned, upon a position audit review conducted by the new employer, to an appropriate Civil Service classification.
  2. The System employer may also officially employ and transfer current employees in the newly acquired operating unit to the designated Civil Service position, within the unit, as determined by the position audit. The System employer is required to cite this procedure and formally obtain approval from the Executive Director prior to any transaction of this nature. All requests of this nature must be submitted by the Designated Employer Representative and contain the following information.
    1. A brief description of the operating unit and the conditions surrounding the administrative acquisition.
    2. A list of classifications and positions, as determined by position audit, to be utilized.
    3. A list of individuals to be employed, their corresponding civil service classification/ position, and the recognized seniority level.
    4. Verification that each individual meets the minimum qualifications for the designated Civil Service classification.
    5. Verification that employment eligibility for each individual by seniority determination has been established by classification. Essentially, the System employer must verify that there is no one on the Reemployment Register with more seniority.
    6. Effective date of transition.
  3. The following employment protocols shall apply to all individuals subject to this type of transaction.
    1. The System employer must cite this procedure on any Notice of Employment.
    2. Such employees will not be required to complete a Civil Service examination for the designated classification provided they meet the minimum acceptable qualifications... If any individual fails to meet these minimum qualifications, the System employer must submit a Waiver of Qualification Request Form for approval. See Example 4.10a.
    3. All employees will be required to complete a probationary period associated with the designated Civil Service classification/position. Time served in their present position will count towards the completion of the probationary period. Some specific examples follow:

      Example 1: An employee was hired as a Medical Records Specialist and served 4 months in the position. It is determined that the position should be a Medical Record Practitioner which has a 6-month probationary period. Upon moving the position from the private employer to Civil Service, the employee would be required to complete the ‘remaining’ 2 months of the 6-month probationary period.

      Example 2: An employee was hired as a Medical Records Specialist and served 18 months in the position. It is determined that the position should be a Medical Record Practitioner which has a 6-month probationary period. Upon moving the position from the private employer to Civil Service, the employee would not be required to complete any additional probationary period.

    4. Seniority is accrued from the date that it can reasonably be determined that the position description met the criteria (duties/responsibilities) of the new Civil Service classification. This date can be determined based upon a historical evaluation of the job description for the position. In cases where there has been no significant change in the job description, seniority is accrued from the original date of employment with the previous employer.

Reference 110 ILCS 70/36q (West 2003)) & 80 Ill. Adm. Code §250.30 (2003)