- New rules, amendments or repealers will be initiated at the direction of the Merit Board or its Executive Director, Designated Employer Representatives, Administrative Advisory Committee or the State Universities Civil Service Advisory Committee. Proposed new rules, amendments or repealers may be presented to the various agency Advisory Committees for comments or recommendations.
- Following discussion and input from the various agency Advisory Committees, the proposed rules, amendments or repealers will be published in the Illinois Register. During the first 45-day notice period, interested persons or other agencies may provide comments.
- After the first 45-day notice period, the new rules, amendments or repealers will be presented to the Merit Board for approval.
- After Merit Board approval, new rules, amendments or repealers will be submitted to the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR).
- Review of proposed rules, amendments or repealers by JCAR will take place during the second notice period. JCAR will review any comments on the rules which were submitted to the issuing agency by interested individuals or other agencies.
- Individuals or organizations proposing the creation, amendment or repeal of a rule may do so by writing to the Merit Board Chair or Executive Director of the State Universities Civil Service System, 1717 Philo Road, Suite 24, Urbana, Illinois 61802-6099. The written statement should include specific language, and in the case of existing rules, cite the specific rule(s) to be amended or repealed. Justification for the proposal shall also be included.
(Source: Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. 18399, effective November 24, 2003)